Interactive Object
Create a physically interactive system of your choice. The focus in this assignment should be on careful and timely sensing of the relevant actions of the person or people you’re designing for, and on a clear, prompt, and effective response. Remember that any interactive system involves listening, thinking, and speaking from both parties. Your project must demonstrate a clear and engaging physical interaction.
For this final project, I'm going to be making a gridded light box that uses p5 as a reference. This gridded light board will be around a 5x5 or 6x6 grid using several strips of NeoPixels and semi-opaque acrylic on the top. There will be a potentiometer and a button on the side of the shallow box. There will also be a reference image on p5 that the user is trying to match. Add to interactivity by implementing sound and color when the user does something right/wrong.
This is a simple sketch of what I'm trying to achieve. I plan on making the enclosure itself out of cardboard (I found some plain white cardboard), but if I have the time/tools, I'll make it out of wood. Then I'll have a potentiometer and a button on the side. This entire enclosure will be hooked up to the computer and use p5, where the reference images are going to be generated.
Things I'm adding based off of comments on my proposal:
Have different levels, where each level gets harder
The sound will come from the enclosure itself, and the color will, too. I'm planning on the p5 screen to be only a reference image, so the rest of the interactivity happens with the box
Once the level is completed, I want the NeoPixels to do something cool to indicate that the level is over, as well as play a specific tune/song
Currently, I'm waiting on my NeoPixels to get here, and I also need to get/find access to a soldering iron.
Right now I'm trying to thing of how I can alter the layout of the enclosure, because I'm going to need room for the Arduino to rest within it. I think the easiest thing to do is to either make a space on the face of the enclosure and put the button/potentiometer there to fill up the space. I'm also thinking of placing everything underneath the NeoPixels in a separate layer, but that might be tricky to troubleshoot if I need to.
Here's a quick sketch of a possible reconfiguration. I liked the look of a perfectly square box, but this might make more sense so that I can make a space for easy access to the Arduino/wiring, components. I'm planning on assembling this in a way such that I can remove a small piece of the enclosure and not have to remove a huge piece of it.