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Steal First, Shoot Later

Process: November 2018

For this design challenge, we decided to stick with TV shows, more specifically, reality TV. We ultimately decided on using America's Next Top Model as our foundation for the video. We liked that there were so many different fun elements to the show (the iconic intro, challenges, photoshoots and the dramatic elimination) that we could make a really sped up version of the show. We want to add all of the most iconic parts from the show into our video, so it's easily recognizable and still fun to create.

For now, I think we want to get videos of us doing everything on our shot list and storyboard, and we will decide later on what we're going to ultimately implement into the final. I think we plan to get most of our footage while we're together, because there are always people around in the show, and it adds to the drama. Also, if we're together, we have people to film each other, and we might even be able to get several angles from the cameraman perspective, which would mimic the show perfectly. 

Shotlist - Sheet1.jpg

Shot List

Story Board.jpg

Story Board

America's Next Top Model (Individual)

America's Next Top Model (Group)


In the very beginning, we knew we wanted to create a video based off of some sort of reality show, mostly because it seemed like the most relevant type of video to this project. We thought of doing a cooking show, or some other sort of drama/reality show, but we ended up choosing America's Next Top Model. as our source of appropriated footage. We really liked the idea because it seemed to be the perfect show to seamlessly add our own footage in as well as make it into a little parody. Once we drew up a story board and decided on a shot list, we were on our way to start recording our own footage. Our plan was to record shots for every single scene, even if we were using appropriated footage, just to be safe. Filming only took about two hours, and we had all of our footage. The most difficult part of this was trying to split up individual footage amongst ourselves, because with this show, there are almost always multiple people in each scene, but we figured it out. Editing the group video went by smoothly, and we finished it all in one sitting. The story board really helped us with the editing by making it easier to know what clips went where and same for the appropriated footage. The individual video was a little bit harder, mostly because of the individual shot situation, and the individual may look very similar to the group video, but the individual does have fifty percent different footage compared to the group video. Overall, we enjoyed filming and editing, and I'm proud of what we got done. 






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